The Chinese King James Version

The Bible is by far the most widely circulated book in the world, and has largest number of readers. With translations in over 1300 languages and in some languages many versions, the Bible is also the most translated book in the world. Five billion copies of the Bible have been printed.

The ancient languages of the Bible include Hebrew and Aramaic in the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament. Various manuscripts have been passed down through the centuries, and some are more accurate than others. Therefore the choice of manuscripts used has a great impact on the accuracy of the final translation.

The Authorized Version (AV) was publish in 1611, and is commonly known as the King James Version (KJV). This version has been considered the most authoritative English Bible translation for more than 400 years. The King James Version provided the scriptural foundation for many great Christian leaders, including John Bunyan the author of Pilgrim’s Progress, John Wesley and his contemporaries who led the great Spiritual Awakenings in America, revivalist Charles Finney, the great evangelist Dwight Moody, Missionary Hudson Taylor, and the great evangelists of this century, including Billy Graham and William Branham.

The English King James Version Bible adopted the Textus Receptus as its foundation of translation, the most authoritative Greek text, published in 1516. The textus receptus is supported by over 5000 ancient manuscripts, known collectively as the “majority text”. No other manuscript stream has close to this number. In this it is different from most of the modern translations which are based on the 1881 published Westcott-Hort Greek Text, especially in the New Testament. The Wescott-Hort New Testament is largely based on only two ancient manuscripts. The Chinese Union Bible, which has been used by the Chinese Church, is also derived from the English Revised Version (RV) translated from the Greek text of Wescott-Hort. This accounts for the many differences and ommissions present in the Union Bible.

Chinese Bible readers who could read English began to notice the differences, but no other Bible was available in Chinese. To remedy this, the Chinese King James Bible project was launched. An experienced, dedicated panel of translators and ministers laboured 4 years to accomplish the great task of translating the English King James Version into Chinese. Where the “Union Bible” text was a true reflection of the King James Version its reading was retained to preserve continuity and familiarity for the Chinese Bible reader. In cases where there was a difference, the King James Version text was carefully translated to Chinese, with references to the original languages in order insure the correct meaning. Care was taken to remain neutral in any obscure passage, and simply translate the words reflected in the King James version.

We have printed this Bible in parallel columns to enable the reader to see the “English Bible King James Version” and “The Chinese Bible KJV” side by side. We have also printed the Chinese King James Version in parallel with the Union Bible.

The Bible records that “prophecy came out in old time not by the will of man: but holy man of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:21 KJV) Scripture was given by the Holy Ghost. According to 1 Cor. 2:14, spiritual things are spiritually discerned. Therefore Scripture can only be properly translated by Holy Ghost filled men who are enlightened to perceive its meaning. Martin Luther, who translated the Textus Receptus into German at the start of the Reformation said this:

“A good translation requires a truly devout, faithful, diligent, Christian, learned, experienced, and practiced heart.”

The panel of translators and ministers who worked on The Chinese Bible KJV exhibit all of these qualifications, and are Holy Ghost filled men of good testimony.

As the Publisher, we believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, which is given to bring eternal life to those who receive it, that it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV)

Our prayer is that this Bible will bring revival to the soul of the Chinese Christian and salvation to the unconverted who will read its eternal truths.

The Publisher

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